Our challenge this week with Glue, Scissors, Paper is to create a project that is very English to celebrate with our English friends, St. George's Day. St. George is England's patron saint, who, according to legend, was a soldier in the Roman army, killed a dragon and saved a princess.
This was a challenge for me because I couldn't think of anything "English" except tea, Big Ben and the London bridge. But....I checked out Wikipedia and found a lovely image, which I printed out and put on a tag. I smudged the tag, made some glimmer mist (thanks to the lovely package from my good friend, Pam), added some gold accents and glitter on the...er...um...blood (poor dragon).
I hope you enjoy this little treat as much as I did making it. I'm told April 23rd is seen as England's national day and since I've been honored to have some blokes as blogging buddies, I hope they find joy in this little post. By the way, do check out Glue, Scissors, Paper blog, as those darling little team mates of mine, have made some sweet little goodies for St. George's Day as well.
Chop, chop, cheerio and all that sort of rot....er...trying to remember I Love Lucy when she went to England and was trying to chase foxes on a horse...having a spot of tea... :-P {I'm sure I've gotten the phrase wrong, as I've not seen that rerun in ages...}

Hiya love the tag, I celebrate St Georges day for another reason, it's my sons birthday. What did I love Lucy do, chop chop is right , it does mean hurry up, righto you might hear it means ok, but I suppose it depends on which bit of England you're in to hear different coloqielisms(sorry about spelling). Love the sentiment anyway thanks for sharing Julye
OOOOO Terri how can you contemplate killing any Dragons???? Please make your George put away his weapon!!!! Seriously, lovely tag...you should join me at TIO!!!
Spot on Terri. Very authentic.
Really great tag! Have you seen the Clearly Vintage Blog. Your tag reminds me of that. Although, the stuff she puts on her blog is from the early 1920' to 1930's. Pretty cool stuff. Great tag! Nancy
That's so unique and elegant Terry. Such a cool thing to share :o)
Love this Terry! The colors look so rich. I will have to check out glue,scissors, paper. Thanks for sharing. ~Diane
Whatto! Fabulous piece of work darrrrling! I just love it, have a cup of earl grey why don'y you, me ol' mucker! (OK, I've gone from dead posh to Cockney there!) xxx
Simply Beautiful Terry! You are so talented!
Great tag, Terry! I just love the colors in the picture and the little extras you added to it!
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