When I returned from the Rubber Stamp and Scrapbook convention in Las Vegas, a box was at my doorstep. I had a feeling who it was from because she'd mentioned that she was sending me this and it was so nice to come home to.
Judy is such a wonderful person that I am so happy to have as my blogger friend. When I started Tellen's Place, Judy was one of the many special people who consistently commented on my cards, encouraging me every step of the way. To this day, she continues to support me, commenting on things I've made, making me feel so very crafty. Isn't it great to have someone like that in your crafting hemisphere? So, Judy had made a beautiful card (the one in the back with the beautiful butterfly she cut with her Cricut) and the cute flowers - she did such a great job. She sent it to me - isn't she sweet? Look at the beautiful jewelry she sent me. I love what the green placard says: "Luck - May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you." Amen to that! ;~)
Thank you Judy for the wonderful gift - it was so nice to come home to it! ;) I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness, my friend!
I was so behind on my blogger duties and felt bad because I hadn't been able to check the blogger reader or e-mails at the hotel in San Diego though they claim they had wireless internet services. Even while in Vegas, I had about 10 minutes to check things and had forgotten to post the card for one of my DT challenges (from a scheduled post at that).
I was so surprised to see this award from Bobbi. I was so touched by her thoughtfulness. When you have time, check out her blog and see her lovely creations! Thank you for thinking of me Bobbi! I'm supposed to list 7 things about myself and pass it on to 15 other people. I will post this award on my sidebar and want to continue to "pay it forward" but wanted to acknowledge these two wonderful ladies and thank them for their thoughtfulness.
Thanks everyone for stopping by to "listen." I hope the rest of your week is delightful! ;~)

What a lovely package! You know, packages are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come...!! xxx
What a wonderful gift Terry and such a nice surprise on your return home :) Donna x
What a wonderful gift! You so deserve the Beautiful Blogger award! You always have wonderful cards and always leave wonderful comments. Thanks for all your support!
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